
I like writing papers. And frankly, I'm proud of them sometimes. Just in case someone out there is interested in what I am writing about, I've put up some of my papers here.

comic tutorials

coming soon.


Tolkien, heroism, and the human condition (.pdf)
The second of the essays that I wrote for the course on Tolkien.
Tolkien and the nature of war (.pdf)
The first of the essays that I wrote for the course on Tolkien I took in 2008.
Good and evil in relation to nature as portrayed in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (.pdf)
This is a 14-page paper I wrote for my IB Extended Essay in 2005.

school papers

Avatars and the Extension of the Self (.pdf)
Avatars in online games as extensions of the human body and consciousness. Written in 2009.
The Frankish war ethos: views from France and Byzantium (.pdf)
A discussion of the Frankish war ethos through the examination of The Song of Roland and The Alexiad. Written in 2009.